F9 Double Eagle - 1 Gallon
F9 Double Eagle Cleaner/Degreaser/Neutralizer - 1 gallon
F9 DE (Double Eagle) is the 1st step of cleaning. It is our “Go-To” degreaser, cleaner and neutralizer. You can use this to pre-clean oil stains, as well as a general maintenance cleaner. Just as important is to use this as your neutralizer when using F9 BARC or F9 Efflo. The product serves several purposes!
- Oil
- Hydrocarbon
- Food stains
- Tire marks
- General surface accumulations
Do not use on Asphalt.
Also available in 4x gallon cases.
General Cleaning Instructions
For use on Concrete, Bricks, Pavers, Tile, Stone, Grout Masonry Hard Surfaces and most surfaces in general. Great for food grease, oils, dumpster pads, loading docks, gas stations, parking garages, tire marks and general cleaning of many surfaces.
Dilution Ratios
- Very Heavily Soiled Surfaces: Straight
- Heavily Soiled Surfaces: 1:1 to 5:1
- Moderately Soiled Surfaces: 10:1
- Lightly Soiled Surfaces: 20:1
Cleaning Instructions
Direct Application: Pump Sprayer, Electric or Air Diaphram Spray System.
Dilution will depend on how dirty the area is. Product may be diluted 5:1 to 20:1. Spray on, dwell 2-15 minutes. Manually agitate heavy areas or use floor tool. Surface clean after. Hot water preferred, cold water ok.
Downstream Application: Use a downstream injection system capable of giving you the correct dilution rate for the circumstances. Spray on, dwell 2-15 minutes. Manually agitate heavy areas or use floor tool. Surface clean after. Hot water preferred, cold water ok.
X-Jet Application: Dilute product to give you the correct dilution rate for the circumstances. Spray on, dwell 2-15 minutes. Manually agitate heavy areas or use floor tool. Surface clean after. Hot water preferred, cold water ok.
Note: If areas are extremely soiled, use a 175 floor tool with extra-aggressive mal-grit to agitate.
General Neutralizing: 8:1. Spray on surface to be neutralized. Broom in if necessary. Rinse or surface clean. Make stronger to bring final pH of discharge up. Make weaker if you need to adjust final pH down. Always check wastewater to make sure final discharge pH is correct for City BMP’s.
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