Hydroblaster Demuck-Dual Gun 2x30@200 Cold
Standard Equipment
- NEMA 4X electrical enclosure
- push button on/off pump controls
- pressure gauge
- low intake water protection system
- automatic fresh water makeup and pump bypass system
Heavy mud and dirt accumulations can be removed quickly with the Hydroblaster Demucking system. Water is fully recycled from your wastewater collection system. Just place our wastewater pickup (pumping) system in your sump. Water is automatically fed to the Demucking systems solids separation tank. Particulates, as low as 40 microns, will be removed before water is used by the pumping system. At a rate of 30 gallons per minute, from each gun, water is forced through an adjustable nozzle at 200 PSI allowing the operators to use a gentle fan or direct stream of water for heavy accumulations. Dozers, front end loaders, backhoes, and all heavy equipment can be cleaned quickly with this system.
Call For Pricing 855-351-9274
*freight not included
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